1. Install Dashboost to your monday.com account:
Go to the monday.com marketplace

Search and click on the 'Dashboost' app

Click ‘Install app’, depending on whether the app is already installed in your account.

Redefining what's possible in a dashboard
Go to the monday.com marketplace
Search and click on the 'Dashboost' app
Click ‘Install app’, depending on whether the app is already installed in your account.
Open a dashboard on your monday.com workspace.
Click on the ‘+ Add Widget’ icon.
Click on 'Apps' and search for the “Dashboost” widget to add to your dashboard.
Click on the 'Chart' icon in the top left corner and choose 'Calculator' to open the calculator interface.
Press the '+' button in the bottom left corner to add a new variable.
Fields: Choose the board, column, and operation. Note: only connected boards can be used.
Filters: Apply any filters needed (e.g., only tasks marked as "In Progress").
Naming: Give each variable a custom name.
Don’t forget to save your variables before proceeding.
Drag your variables into the formula builder to create a calculation.
You can also manually type your variable names inside curly bracket {Variable}.
Type in any number or operands you'd like.
Click on '=' to save and display the result in the widget.
Press the 'Dropper' icon in the left side of the calculator.
Add conditions:
Choose a color
Choose a relational operator (=, <, >, ≠)
Set a reference number. (.g. ed color for when the result is smaller than 10)
Click on the 'Chart' icon in the top left corner and choose 'Donut' to open the calculator interface.
Press the '+' button in the bottom left corner to add a new variable.
Fields: Choose the board, column, and operation. Note: only connected boards can be used.
Filters: Apply any filters needed (e.g., only tasks marked as "In Progress").
Naming: Give each variable a custom name.
Don’t forget to save your variables before proceeding.
Drag your variables into the formula builder to create a calculation that will set your target.
You can also manually type your variable names inside curly bracket {Variable}.
Type in any number or operands you'd like.
Give your groups a custom name.
Choose a color for each group.
Enter a fixed number or calculate your group's value by creating a formulaDrag your variables into the formula builder to create a calculation.
Add and Remove Data Groups.
Click the ‘Lock’ icon to freeze data and stop live updates from connected boards.
Use the ׳Refresh׳ button to manually reload the widget data.
Choose result prefix or suffix.
Set the number of decimal places to display.
Add or remove boards that will be used on the widget. Note: by default, all connected boards to the dashboard will be used in the widget.